At A Loss With Your Acne?

Try This.

Céline Harleaux
4 min readOct 30, 2019

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything you can possibly think of to clear your skin?

Are you now at a loss with what to do about acne?

If you feel stuck in any area of your life, if you’re unable to think clearly, and can’t see the path ahead…

Read on: this article was written for you.

By Thibault Debaene on Unsplash

I have a very practical approach to life.

If there’s a problem, I fix it. If the issue doesn’t get solved straight away, I fix it this way, and fix it that way until it is gone for good.

I handled my acne the same way.

I would try supplement after supplement, diet after diet, face cream after face cream.

And if I didn’t see an immediate improvement in my skin, I would switch to the next miracle lotion and potion.

And you know what? I did it. I cleared my skin.

It took me years, but I. did. it.

But I see now that I fought against my body every step of the way. I healed my skin despite deeply resenting it for what it was making me go through.

In other words, my journey towards clear skin could have been a lot easier (and maybe even faster), had I found a way to do all I could to clear my skin and accept myself for who I was (even with a pizza face) at the same time.

Today, I work as life coach, and I support women of all ages, backgrounds and stories to love themselves truly and completely, no matter who they are, and what they are going through.

And because I love to see everybody around me happy, I am always on the lookout for exercises, processes, journaling prompts, meditations that will help my clients heal their lives faster and easier.

This article is about my latest find — and I’m so excited to share it with you.

The Exercise: Like Trying on a New Dress

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably doing the absolute best you can to heal your skin as fast as possible.

Not only because it’s embarrassing and awkward to have acne… But, well, mostly because of that.

And you’re probably spending an insane amount of time reading articles, watching videos, buying stuff, and generally researching the heck out of acne (that beast!) and holistic health.

I get it. I’ve been there!

So, here’s what I’d like to share with you. Right now, you feel blocked, and you don’t know how to move forward.

But there’s a part of you, deep inside your heart, that knows that it is possible for you to clear your skin.

Not only that it is possible, but that it is going to happen, no matter what.

I would like you to feel that hope for a few seconds.

And now imagine that in front of you stands your future self. Look at her for a moment, and see how she radiates with health and joy.

And listen to her as she tells you how she’s moved past acne, how everything makes sense to her now, and how much she’s learned from having acne. How easy it was for her to clear her skin.

Now, I would like you to step inside your future self — it’ll feel a bit like trying on a new dress.

Step into that version of you which has already found perfect health. The one who has already cleared her skin, and healed her scars. The one who feels confident in her skin and in her body, who feels confident enough to go out into the world make-up, who does what she loves.

Imagine, as best you can, that you become one with her. It may feel like a bit uncomfortable at first, but stick with it: focus on the excitement and the hope.

How does she feel?

What does she do for fun?

What is her daily skincare and makeup routine like?

How does she speak and think about herself?

How does she nourish herself?

And finish with this: does your future self have any advice for you?

What can you do now that will bring you closer to your clear-skin goal?

You may get a thought word, a sensation, a feeling, a specific task, even a colour. Go with what you’re given, even if it feels too simple, or too easy. This is your next step.

Why Is This Important?

Not seeing immediate or tangible results often leads acne warriors down a never-ending spiral of self-doubt, resentment, shame and anxiety.

“When is it going to get better?”

“Is it going to get better at all?”

“What if clear skin isn’t for me?”

And, of course:

“Why meeeeeee?! Why nowwww?!”

I’ve had these thoughts, and I’m sure you’ve had them as well.

So, thinking about that future version of yourself — the one who has struggled, and won (!) against acne, the one who has already done the damn thing, and moved the heck on — leads you away from victimising yourself.

It empowers you.

Suddenly, you realise that you’re in charge of your own life, that your body is unique, and that you already know what you need to do in order to clear your skin, on a conscious or subconscious level.

Because, of course, you’re capable of clearing your skin. See, it has already happened in the future. Keep going, just keep going, and you’re going to get there.

If I can do it, then so can you.

Have faith in yourself.

Have faith in your body’s desire to heal.

Once you’ve done the exercise, post a comment below to let me know how you felt.

Did you become aware of the next step for you in your clear-skin journey?

Lots of love from me to you x

